What the 4th of July Has to Do with Burnout

How can we connect burnout to the 4th of July?

How can we possibly connect the 4th of July and burnout?

Fireworks. Hot dogs. Pool parties. Parades. Burnout. 

One of these things is not like the other, right? 

And it’s not…but there’s still a connection between the normal hoopla around American Independence Day and the realities of burnout. 

First off, there’s the element that planning any big event for already overworked employees can contribute to individual burnout. Wrangling kids to create a cookout fit for Instagram when all someone wants is to be in ratty basketball shorts and sipping a cheap beer is certainly not helping anyone find that culture of balance. But that’s not really what we want to highlight. 

Every year, we are treated to rousing songs and dramatic fireworks shows about the greatness of America. It’s presented and celebrated as an infallible thing everyone should love and aspire to. 

Every cookout has to have burnout on the menu

But we know that in order for America to be that thing it’s purported to be, burnout is required. Yours, someone else’s, or both – the American Dream is not possible without deifying abject exhaustion as a cultural value. 

Formal governmental celebrations are designed to paper over cracks in the truth of whatever the thing is, if we’re honest. The 4th of July is no different. 

So on this day, we’d encourage you to take a pause. Is this America of constant grind and limited rest one that you want to celebrate? Are there changes you can make in your own life to rebel against it…just a little bit? 

After all, the real American dream was for rebels and farmers and separatists to have a place where they could be humans without a king and they fought tooth and nail to create the place they wanted to live in. That vibe might be worth embracing again. 

Want our tips on how to structure your rebellion?  HERE

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